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Meet Dana

I grew up in the Laurel Mountains of Central Pennsylvania and went to college outside of Pittsburgh. My activities included swimming, softball, cheer leading, and anything outdoors. After receiving my Associates Degree in Science Administration (Administration Law) and my Bachelors Degree in Business Administration (Business Management), I soon realized that my true passion was learning how the body works, finding ways to prevent weight gain, and educating other people to help them achieve this goal themselves. I started personal training, initially, by assisting friends. Their positive feedback encouraged me to pursue my Certified Personal Training Certification (through A.F.A.A. – the Athletics and Fitness Association of America) in 2005, and I have enjoyed helping people ever since.


On a personal level, I am not only a Fitness Trainer, but a student-of-life turned mentor.  I practice what I preach.  I work out, eat healthy, and struggle like everyone else. I have gained weight…and I have lost weight; and I share my own stories and experiences with my clients.  It’s important for people to see that I’m human just like them – working against the temptations of food and facing the challenges of finding time and the discipline to perform exercise regularly. I try to display my own enthusiasm and determination to power through adversity as a means to motivate and encourage others to do the same. Working out and living this fitness-based lifestyle has helped me tremendously. It lifted me from the negative influences of my own life and kept me going.


Continued professional education and keeping up with new research and trends in the health & fitness field are also important! Along with dietary control and aerobic conditioning, I have found, over time, that lifting weights and building muscle are also essential - not only for men, but for women too! I develop each of these areas for my clients in a multi-disciplinary approach throughout the FitCamps. I maintain my continued education requirements, and I am also certified in Basic Life Support/CPR.


My ultimate goals as a Personal Trainer are to motivate, inspire, and educate others about the benefits of exercising, eating properly, and living a healthy lifestyle. I am eternally grateful that I have found this calling, and I want to share my passion with as many people as possible. Fitness does more than shape the body – if applied consistently and comprehensively, it shapes the mind and spirit. I endeavor to change lives, not just bodies.


I love guiding our DAnamic U team to face challenges, overcome obstacles, persevere and find ways to continue healthy habits for life. Helping others is one of the greatest gifts!  Finding strength (not only physical, but mental) and gaining new confidence on this journey is part of the lifestyle change you will experience. Your success is my success!! Together, we can achieve anything you put your mind too! At DAnamic U, it’s all about you!!!!

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